Maybe it sounds strange for one or the other, but if you look at the material things, we miss almost nothing from Germany. Most items are also available here or in a comparable form. From people who have lived here for a long time, we always hear how great it is when ALDI has a German week and what is excellent from the old home. We once made an effort and drove the 30 miles there and didn’t really find anything interesting. Even though everyone is always raving about German bakers, we have never been able to get so much out of German bread that we could miss it now. Yes, the regular bread here has its own taste, but if you search a bit, you will find delicious variants.
We only miss the typical German food conditionally because if it comes over us, we make us here just some Rouladen or Bratwürste. The meat purchased here is simply super AND … it is, in our opinion, more sustainable and healthier animal husbandry! The prices are often (despite high prices for us Germans) still below those of a German butcher store. This is definitely something for us, and you must not forget at this point … Everything is bigger in Texas!
Sorry dear vegetarians, but humans are not pure herbivores by nature.
We miss many Germans’ grim and sometimes introverted manner when they meet by chance on the street and do not know each other. Here in Austin, most people who pass each other call out “Howdy” or “How are you” or just wave at each other was a bit strange at first and took some getting used to. As Germans, we are not used to this friendliness and courteous behavior. Also, that strangers address you, and they simply tell you that you have particularly great shoes or the shirt is very chic (or currently the mouth-nose-covering looks fantastic) is not so used. Yes, it is superficial politeness, but it is better to live together than none. Also, the incredible helpfulness we have received since our emigration plans from compatriots already living here is amazing.
What is missing from time to time are the relatives and acquaintances who stayed behind since the options of a visit are currently quite limited. But there are now very well-functioning communication systems that allow regular contact. Also, Flummi (our neighbors’ cat in our last place of residence in Germany) is sometimes missing here because the girls here do not have a foreign cat to cuddle. But it is still too early to get a pet of our own. So let’s see, maybe later.
From the things left behind in Germany, we sometimes like to have some objects (or stupidly forgotten papers) or photos here. We didn’t want to bring so much here initially because you might have to take it back with you. The planned later transport options have then unfortunately fallen into the water.
But overall, you can get on quite well without all the old stuff. As one song says, “It’s better to travel light!”….