Now, after less than a year of preparation, we have reached the goal of our wishes. Actually, it seems more like a movie, and you watch yourself. It doesn’t seem real yet, more like a daydream. Have we really taken this step? Have we seriously given up everything in Germany? Was this the right thing to do, or will it be the biggest mistake of our lives (well, we have thought that often enough on other occasions)?
These and similar thoughts definitely come up. That is certainly normal, but one should not question the fundamental decision to take this step. But especially around Christmas and the turn of the year, when you get some peace, you start to think about some things. That’s why rest is not suitable for us at all. For us, “restlessness” is always better in every respect (despite tension and stress) because we are used to it. So we go for it and see what comes out of it.
Up to this point, our emigration has worked quite well, and we managed everything relatively smoothly, contrary to the numerous posts on social networks. Many things went even easier by hand than we thought. Some days we really felt like it was just meant to be, and it felt right. And somehow, in some issues, we couldn’t shake the feeling that Germany wanted to get rid of us. The German institutions removed us (whether we liked it or not) from all social security systems. But here in Austin, with a bit of patience, we could take care of our affairs without any problems (and sometimes with questioning faces).
Unfortunately, the end of the year did not only consist of beautiful insights and joyful events. Among other things, we had to say goodbye to Matthias’ father (Grandpa Wolfgang) 5 days after his arrival in Austin. Only good that Celina and Andrea were in the summer on a short visit, because the last meeting was also some years ago.
Now we have to concentrate on the coming year and face the challenges. First of all, Andrea’s driver’s license and work will take top priority. Nevertheless, the exploration of the new home will not be neglected. For the time being, a few days of rest and getting back together as a family, then it’s full power ahead for 2020.